Wednesday, December 21, 2011

When men were men and vampires were monsters...

Salem's Lot...  Probably, in my humble opinion, the best vampire movie ever.  Hooper's adaption of King's classic novel varies somewhat from the book, but unlike a lot of King's work converted into film, Hooper manages to pull it off.  For instance, Kurt Barlow in the book came off as an average looking guy, non-menacing until you delved deeper into the story.  In the movie (the original, not the made-for-TV-remake with Rob Lowe and Rutger Hauer--which is yet another good flick) Barlow was downright monstrous as evidenced on the image above.  I still remember the sleepless nights 'The Master' caused me when I was a child.  I'm guessing Hooper was inspired by Orlock when he created his version of Kurt Barlow.

Friday, December 9, 2011


At the End of All Things on sale now!

Blood Bound Books has informed me that At the End of All Things is available for purchase just in time for Christmas!  What better gift than fiction about wholesale slaughter, deviant sex, demons, and zombies?!

 “Stony Graves has created an apocalyptic masterpiece, breathing life into
characters and horrors on par with King’s The Stand.” - Charolette Nevers,
author of The Craving

When asked what At the End of All Things is about, I like to answer with: A sweet horror story about zombies, demons, prison rape, and puppies.

A better description is:

A plague of the undead have risen to make way for the Apocalypse, the
horsemen are drawing nearer, and those left behind after the rapture are
struggling to find their place in this new and savage world.
The survivors, relying on dreams, intuition and in some cases, even the
dead, find themselves being drawn to Blue Church, Ohio, where no doubt,
something monumental is about to happen. At the end of all things, will
God forsake humanity, can evil triumph, and will anyone even be left alive
to tell the tale.